Your roofing warranty details should be as clearly understood as the products. Knowing the high cost of your home’s protective weather shield, you should be aware of some easily misunderstood aspects of the 3 types of Roofing Warranties offered.
Armour Shield Roofing strongly discourages homeowners from going up and down ladders or doing repairs on their roofs. The accidents and fatalities sustained by untrained individuals are tragic and avoidable by calling a professional roofing contractor.
1) Product Warranties:
The often-heard 15–50-year shingle: The time frame associated with the shingles (15-50 years) refers to the expectant number of years of life of a type of shingle in its ideal conditions, but not to the number of years it will last on your house before needing a roof repair while exposed to nature’s variables in London, Ontario. Understand these ‘numbers’ in the context they were developed.
Most of us have learned the ‘numbers’ true meaning after we have imagined a life, free of roofing worries for 50 years, only to discover several years down the road that the manufacturer warranty is pro-rated to offset the implied climate and weather effects. The south-facing roofing plane will be subject to greater heat and drying and harsher freeze and thaw consequences.
Product warranties insure against shingle manufacturing defects. Material and labour costs to remove and dispose of the defective shingles are part of a typical shingle-defect manufacturer warranty. The warranty time frame depends on the quality of the original shingle installed.
The adage “you get what you pay for” holds true. A 50-year/ time-expected shingle is a much higher quality shingle and will have a longer product warranty.
Extended warranties can be purchased at the time of your roof installation, with 20- or 50-year protection against shingle manufacturer defects, available.

2) Workmanship or Installation Warranties:
The workmanship or installation warranty is possibly the most important of the three to which to pay attention. It provides a promise of service to your roof without cost to you for the offered period. They may vary quite a bit, usually, the coverage largely depends on the product you have chosen for installation, and whether your project is residential or commercial. See our 10 Point Roofing Integrity Promise here.
You should balance the installation warranty with the reputation of the installation company. If, for example, three installation companies offer installation warranties similar in length, the company background will also provide you with a sense of their workmanship.
What to also consider with an installation warranty:
Look at the company’s Google and website reviews. Often these reviews can give you valuable insight into other people’s experiences with the company. A bad review is not always a bad thing. As we all know, people differ in their expectations, often a prior bad experience can create unintentional anxiety that is brought forward in any contracting project. It is how a company responds to these occasional frictions that can make you feel less anxious about your future interactions with a company if a disagreement arises.
Is there a feeling of consistency between what the company says and how they present the information? For instance, how long has the company been in business, and has the company been under the same ownership for all those years? Do they mention they have long-time employees? Do they make a point of talking about the importance of cleanliness, and training?
3) Extended Product Warranties:
It is common to be provided with the option of an extended product warranty. Without a doubt, the last time you purchased your television or your laptop, you were asked if you wanted to purchase an extended product warranty.
In the case of your roofing, an extended warranty offers longer insurance coverage on your shingle-manufacturer defects. Material and labour costs to remove and dispose of the defective shingles are part of a typical shingle-defect manufacturer’s extended warranty. 20- or 50-year warranties are available.

Please see Armour Shield’s full range of roofing related services here..
Call (519) 858 5044 for help with any roofing questions.
Armour Shield Roofing strongly discourages homeowners from going up and down ladders or doing repairs on their roofs. The accidents and fatalities sustained by untrained individuals are tragic and avoidable by calling a professional roofing contractor.